Health & Well-being in the Workplace

We offer Work place health & well being seminars and wellness packages aimed at improving the physical health and mental well being of your work force adapted specifically to your work  individual work place, taking into consideration numbers of employees, working patterns/shifts and more.


2 hour health & well-being seminar delivered to your whole workforce

Wellness plans

Plans put in place to support health & wellbeing

Health checks

Health MOT,
Bio-measurements, Blood pressure, Blood oxygen +


Follow up assessments
individual and Groups

Health & Well being seminar

What we cover

  • Current health complications – stats & some of the factors behind them.
  • Importance of eating for health & longevity.
  • Importance of nutrients to promote health and prevent ill-health.
  • Importance of Gut health – healthy microbiome. Immune system, serotonin etc.
  • How refined sugar to frequent throughout the day can cause insulin resistance.
  • How to control appetite and sugar cravings with natural foods.
  • How to eat healthy on a budget and enjoy it. Lifestyle not diet.
  • How processed foods and drinks effect the body.
  • Understand the ingredients in foods and drinks.
  • Importance of Physical activity, why this should be fun and not just gym based.
  • Importance of hydration. Tips and ways to drink more.
  • Importance of rest and recovery. Support for sleep.
  • Full body posture and alignment stretch
  • Team building fun & Games.
  • Meditation.


Improve the overall health and well being of your employees, empowering them with the tools to make healthier lifestyle choices to improve their overall health and well being. 

Empower people with the knowledge to start thinking differently about their health. Engaging people in different conversations, with a person centred approach to help support positive changes.

Promote culture change regarding health and well-being, Steering away from a one boot fits all, energy in, energy out approach that’s widely spread. Instead concentrating on the power of nutrients and overall movement and educating how both can be used as a medicine for health, in fun, enjoyable ways to promote healthy lifestyle change, without feeling restricted.

Empower staff with the knowledge to improve their own health, the health of their families and others around them.

Allow staff to engage with others and share stories, with a chance to offload and talk with others in the group or our team, empowering staff to talk and be open with each other.

Reduce stress and overall sickness with preventative tools to support health and wellness in the workplace. 

Care Home Consultancy

Community Care Support

We offer consultancy work to help empower care homes with the tools to help support residents and customers under their care to live healthier lives. This includes site visits to see what support maybe needed, time within the service to support 1-1 and empower staff with the knowledge and understanding of how to carry this on. 

We help your workforce help others with the power of movement and nutrients adapted to everyone’s individual needs.


Healthy eating support plans.

Exercise & movement support plans (Supports GP Referral needs).

Chair based exercise.

Links into community.

Health & well being checks full body MOT and more.

Regular site visits & reviews.