1-1 Services

1-1 Private Coaching

£40 / Week

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. However, with the right guidance and support, we believe, you can achieve your health and fitness goals whilst improving your overall well-being.

What’s included?..

These sessions are designed to cater to your specific fitness needs and goals. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced individual, you will work closely with your coach to develop a customised exercise plan that addresses your strengths, weaknesses, and overall preferences. These sessions incorporate a variety of effective training routines with a mixture of strength training, conditioning, mixed tension and tempo, cardiovascular, flexibility and much more.

Posture and correct body alignment is crucial to overall health, performance and well-being as well as preventing injury. As part of this program, a thorough analysis of your posture, body alignment starting ability and any niggles you have will be assessed. This helps us to identify any imbalances or areas of concern allowing us to develop a plan to correct them. This analysis can help improve your overall posture, alleviate pain, and enhance your movement efficiency, building on this to correct form and master technique from the very beginning and throughout your journey resulting in the best possible outcomes.

As well as your weekly training/movement session you will have a personalised plan made for you for the rest of the week, which is designed specifically to you taking into consideration your personal preferences and lifestyle. This will go hand in hand with your training providing a structured framework to help you progress effectively towards your goals.

Nutrition plays a vital role in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You will receive personalised nutritional education sessions with you coach to help you understand the importance of a well balanced diet, with a health first approach, helping will learn how to nourish your body with the essential nutrients needed including macro and micro nutrient intakes, polyphenols, gut health, and much more. providing you with practical tips and strategies to incorporate healthy eating habits into your daily life without making your feel restricted.

Similar to the training plan, an individualised nutritional guidance plan will be developed to meet your specific dietary needs to achieve your personal goals taking into consideration any health conditions food intolerances, and overall lifestyle. This will provide guidance on meal planning, portion control, hormone control, nutrient dense food choices and much more to support your overall health and well-being, optimising your results both physically and mentally.

This program focuses on promoting long-term health and longevity. Through regular check-ins and ongoing support, you will receive guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle beyond the program duration, helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle and preventing any health complications in the future.

The program also focuses on lifestyle coaching and guidance. You will be supported to help identify and address any habits or behaviors that may hinder your progress, providing guidance on managing stress, improving sleep quality, and adopting positive lifestyle changes. This approach ensures that you not only achieve your fitness goals but also develop sustainable habits for long-term success.

Staying motivated and accountable throughout your fitness journey is essential for success. In this program, you will have access to ongoing support and motivation helping you set realistic goals, track your progress, and provide the necessary encouragement to keep you on track even during challenging times.

Bio-Measurements & Bloods:

To gain a deeper understanding of your overall health and progress, this program includes bio-measurements and blood analysis. These tests may include measurements of body composition, such as body fat percentage and muscle mass, as well as blood markers that provide insights into your metabolic health, nutrient levels, and overall well-being. The results of these tests can help guide your training and nutritional plans, ensuring they are tailored to your specific needs.

1-1 Athlete Performance

£40 / Week

Introducing our comprehensive sports performance program! This program offers athletes the opportunity to work one-on-one with our expert coach, tailoring your training to enhance specific areas such as strength, speed, agility, explosiveness, and power, all in relation to your specific sport.

Specialising in MMA, Boxing, Rugby league, Football and Athletics, you will be supported through a dedicated program that takes into account the unique demands of your sport. Our goal is to support you in becoming the best athlete you can be.

Throughout the program, you will follow a sport-specific exercise regimen that targets all aspects related to your specific goals, allowing you to develop both your mind and body for optimal performance. Additionally, we will provide you with a personalised sport-specific nutritional plan that complements your training sessions. This plan ensures you are fuelled efficiently with the energy, essential nutrients and electrolytes required to excel in your individual sport.

Our nutritional plan encompasses essential nutrient intake, energy loading, hormone sensitivity, electrolyte timing and much more, ensuring you have all the tools necessary to elevate your performance. Whether it’s off-season, pre-season, peak weeks, or fight camps, we are here to support you every step of the way, addressing all the needs of a sports performance athlete. Our aim is to help you achieve optimal health, performance, mental resilience, and recovery.

Rest assured, your coach will be by your side throughout the entire journey, guiding and motivating you to reach new heights in your athletic endeavors.

Join our program today and unlock your full potential!

1-1 Medical Referral

£40 / Week

Welcome to our specialised GP Referral Program! This program is specifically designed for individuals who have received a medical referral from a health professional, GP, or mental health consultant.

Our program covers a wide range of health conditions, including diabetes, obesity, hypertension, arthritis, osteoporosis, back pain, and many more. We are here to provide comprehensive support to anyone with underlying health complications, aiming to reverse and prevent the progression of these conditions.

With our expertly adapted GP Referral Program, you will have the opportunity to work closely with your dedicated coach in a one-on-one setting. Together, we will focus on promoting optimal health through a tailored movement and nutritional program, specifically designed to address and overcome your unique health complications.

Our program is centered around empowering you to take control of your health journey. Through personalised exercise routines and dietary guidance, we will work towards improving your overall well-being and enhancing your quality of life. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, managing a chronic condition, or simply looking to improve your overall health, our program is designed to meet your specific needs.

We understand that each individual is unique, and that’s why our program is fully adaptable to your capabilities and preferences. Our team of experienced coaches will provide the necessary support and guidance to help you overcome any obstacles and achieve your health goals.

Join our GP Referral Program today and take the first step towards a healthier and happier life. Together, we will overcome your health complications and pave the way for a brighter future.

Who can benefit

Beginners or newcomers

If your new to the gym or training and need support in learning how to exercise properly with correct form and technique, our coaches will provide the guidance and expertise you need to start off on the right foot.

Unease in a crowded gym

If you find yourself feeling uneasy in a packed gym and are seeking assistance to boost your confidence, our private studio provides a happy and comfortable atmosphere. Here, you can concentrate on your workouts without feeling overwhelmed.

Prefer a Personalised Environment

If you don't enjoy the typical gym environment and would rather train away from others, we offer the option of home and outdoor workouts. Our coaches will provide tailored exercises and training programs that suit your preferences and goals.

Regular Gym Users wanting to enhance your training.

Already a regular gym user, but stuck with your progress or wanting to advance your training? Our 1-1 coaching offers support to master correct form and technique, ensuring that you get the most out of your workouts.

Goal Tracking and Progression

Need guidance in tracking and progressing your workouts, our professional trainers can provide the support you need to maximise your time in the gym. They will help you set goals, monitor your progress, and adjust your training program accordingly.

Enhance athletic performance

with sport-specific strength and conditioning training. Whether you're an athlete looking to boost your fitness level, overall strength, speed, agility, or any other key aspect, this specialized training can help you achieve your goals.

Rehabilitation Support

Had an injury or need rehab support Your coach will work with you providing targeted exercises and guidance to help you recover and regain strength around a specific body part safely. Helping mobilise or build strength around a specific body part or multiple areas.

Health Complications/postural

If you have any underlying health complications, postural or body alignment issues, our qualified medical referral specialists can help support you.

Nutritional Support

Sick and tired of fad diets leading to yo-yo weight loss and miss-information causing a minefield of confusion? Our 1-1 nutritional education and support will help you gain the knowledge you need to support your overall goals and longevity without feeling like your restricted.